






〻 English



日程:2023年 11/23(木)ー 2024年1/21(日)
時間:木金土 18:00 ー 21:00 日曜15:00 ー 18:00


コミュニケーションの手法はいくつもあるだろうが、毛利洋はどうだろうか。 彼の描く人物は、失礼ながらなんだか関わると厄介そうに見える。バックグラウンドになんだか意味ありげな・・・そんな雰囲気を纏っている。毛利にこの人物たちが誰なのかと聞くと、どうやら彼の頭の中の人物であるようだ。頭の中とはいえ、それは単なる妄想ではなく、彼の過ごしてきた人生の中でささやかに触れ合った人々―「袖触れ合うも他生の縁」の「袖」も触れ合わなかったが「他生の縁」を感じさせるような人々がモチーフとなっているのだろう。










毛利洋(もうりひろし) 大阪市出身

2000年 PEPART未完成な完成(グループ展)ギャラリーden
2001年 ランドスケープ展(グループ展)ペッパーズギャラリー
2004年 毛利洋展 ギャラリーden
2014年 毛利洋展「flyaway」茶屋町画廊
2015年 毛利洋展「なんでもできるよ」茶屋町画廊
2016年 ポコラート展(公募展)アーツ千代田3331


Other People (You All)

Hiroshi Mohri

Location: AP Donou
Dates: 11/23 (Thu.),2023 - 1/21 (Sun.),2024
Open only on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays
※Closed on 12/28,29,30,31, 2023 and 1/4,5,6,7, 2024
Hours: Thu ー Sat 11:00 - 18:00, Sun 15:00 ー 18:00
Reservations required

If I try to relate with overwhelming others, I feel like I'm going crazy worrying about how they see me. So, I gradually became too lazy to establish a relationship with them and became content with just watching them from afar. I have come to be satisfied with just looking at the other person from afar. I try to measure the other person by knowing what kind of person he or she is by looking past them and seeing myself reflected in their mirror. I regret that my communication is miserable and embarrassing.

There may be many methods of communication, but what about Hiroshi Mohri? The people he portrays, with all due respect, seem to be troublesome when you get involved with them. They have an air of meaning in their backgrounds. When I asked Mouri who these people were, it seemed that they were people in his mind. Although they are in his mind, they are not mere fantasies, but rather motifs of people who he had a small contact with in his life, people with whom he felt a “connection to other lives,” even though they did not touch each other.

Mouri not only paints pictures, but also uses text to express himself. In his texts, too, there are characters who are a little quirky but strangely vivid. They are people with whom he might not have had to deal, people who are out of the sight of the protagonist, the master of the world's destiny. The protagonists of Mouri's stories, who come into contact with such “people,” also live their lives on the same level as the “people. Readers of the text feel as if they are given the role of looking at others, rather than being emotionally involved with the protagonist or the people.

When niche people are highlighted, it can become like a spectacle if it is retrieved for entertainment. In Mouri's case, I don't see such an intention. It is no longer even highlighted. The figures are like landscapes living in the same light, looking at us, but not looking at us.

Takao Kiyama


I paint portraits of people who are nobody to me, who suddenly pop into my head.

I draw lines and paint while thinking of the other. I may want to know them well, or I may not even want to have a relationship with them. Even if they are all such people to me, as long as I live in this society, I have no choice but not to have a relationship with them, and once I have established a relationship with them, I have to act to maintain it, or later on I have to learn how to distance myself from them because I don't like them. When I think of this, I think that I am the same for others. I am alive because there are such others. If I think that, I can face the other person called me.

I would be happy if you could feel the sorrow, sadness, joy, and a little bit of humor of facing others. 

Hiroshi Mohri


Hiroshi Mouri, born in Osaka, Japan

Main Exhibitions
2000 PEPART Unfinished Completion (group exhibition) Gallery den
2001 Landscape Exhibition (group exhibition), Peppers Gallery
2004 Hiroshi Mouri Exhibition, Gallery den
2014 Hiroshi Mohri Exhibition “flyaway”, Chayamachi Gallery
2015 Hiroshi Mohri Exhibition “I can do anything” Chayamachi Gallery
2016 POCORART Exhibition (public call), 3331 Arts Chiyoda

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